Have our efforts inspired you and do you want to contribute to our cause? You can participate in our art series. We’ll explain how in the following sections.
To achieve our goal, we require medical imaging, specifically your medical imaging. One of our guiding principles is to demonstrate current technology as it is used in clinical practice today. This means that solely want to use medical imaging that is made in a clinical setting. In this way, we adhere to clinical practice as closely as possible and do not waste any resources.
What are we looking for?
We welcome any medical imaging for use in our projects. For the first project we will use CT scans to create sculptures. For upcoming projects, we will employ different imaging modalities, such as X-ray and MRI scans. Because not all images are appropriate for our projects, we cannot guarantee that yours will be used. However, images that are not appropriate for current projects may be useful in the future. Therefore, we gladly accept all imaging.
We would be delighted and honoured to welcome you to become a part of Vixerimus. To participate, we will need your written permission to use your medical imaging for the purpose of creating art. In addition, if you want us to collect data from your medical institution, a signed authorisation form is needed. Please note that this is not possible at all hospitals. If you require any additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via our contact page.
Sign up
Sign the informed consent and optionally the authorisation form.
Collect your data
Collect your data at the hospital. If you authorise us, we may be able to do this for you. Please note that this is not possible at all hospitals.
Send your data
You will receive further instructions regarding sending when you sign up.
Personal data
We request permission to use your imaging for artistic purposes. Data from medical imaging is sensitive and needs to be handled with care. All processes adhere to strict privacy policies. No imaging is acquired without explicit permission of the participant. We only store data that is required for our use and we store it securely. The plan regarding data storage and processing is drawn up in consultation with our data protection officer.